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Reflections '18

This year has brought blessings and growth in a big way. In the first half of the year, I got a promotion and relocation in my job, went through the Spiral with Alphamama, tapped deeper into my spiritual growth and abilities, and finally gave myself permission to be in and own my identity as an artist. As a result, the second half of the year kicked off with me quitting my 9-5 and enrolling in 2 music courses, both which continue to challenge and empower me to go even further with my craft. Looking back over the year, I have been in various theatre shows, been a part of short films and other film projects, joined 2 bands, formed another, developed my solo music act, signed to an acting agent, and became clearer on my goals. I have proven to myself time and again that I can face my demons, own my bullshit and change. I have come to a place of deeper self love and acceptance, become more in tune with my inner child, closer to God, and more reliant on my intuition as if she were my wisest old aunt. I have chosen to walk an uncertain path because I'm certain of where I want to be. I chose growth over comfort, I choose my dreams over settling for status quo, because this life is full of love and abundance of goodness. This year has brought new friendships and relationships of all kinds into my life. I am ever thankful for the sisters I call my family, and I am thankful for my blood family, no matter where they are. 2018 has been a year of re-potting. 2019 is where I bloom. I love life, and am thankful for the abundance of goodness she brings, even when things seem murky and hurt. I have worked my ass off, grown as a person and loved it. Next year, I want more. So I'm ready. Who's WITH me!

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